Pearl of the Islands Foundation Inc. (PIF) co-hosted the 12th Friendship & Dialogue Iftar dinner with the Hon Michael Wood. 100 distinguished guests from various ethnicities and backgrounds attended. The dinner was held at Sorrento in the Park on the 27th of April 2021.
Ms Tayyaba Khan, Founder & CEO of Khadija Leadership Network, was the Master of Ceremony night. The event started with Karakia performed by Ms Noeleen van de Lisdonk. After Mr Naim Yasim’s recitation of call to prayer (Athan) dinner was served. Then Mr Naim Yasim beautifully recited a passage from the Holy Qur’an.
Later on welcome speeches took place by the Hon Michael Wood (Minister of Transport), and Dr Sahib Rasulov (Coordinator at PIF). The Hon Priyanca Radhakrishnan was invited to the stage as the Guest of Honour. Then Prof Douglas Pratt presented the inspirational keynote speech about what really these events mean and how interfaith took place throughout history.
That was followed by the award ceremony. Community Leadership Award was presented by Chairperson of PIF, to the Hon Michael Wood. Public Service Award was presented by Nazife Basar, Centre Director for Little Pearls Educare Centre, to Pauline Cornwell, School Principal and Co-Chair of the PIF Advisory Board.
After the dessert floor reflections by Mr Meng Foon, Mr Kanwaljit Bakshi, Ms Jocelyn Armstrong, Mr Fa’anana Collins and Mr Ross Robertson took place. Ms Naomi Johnson, Advisory Board Member for PIF, presented the Vote of Thanks. The event concluded after presenting a gift from Dr Sahib Rasulov to Ms Tayyaba Khan for the wonderful performance as an MC.