Home > Upcoming Events > PANEL: Women Leading in Politics – 11 August 2020
11 August, 2020
6:00 pm
Fickling Convention Centre, 546 Mount Albert Road, Three Kings, Auckland

Pearl of the Islands Foundation is proud to organise an upcoming panel on ‘Women in Politics: Ways to promote cohesion in Aotearoa New Zealand ‘ in light of the general elections that will be held in September.

We are inviting representatives from the three major parties to make it a bipartisan panel and provide them with a platform to speak about important issues such as diversity and unity.

As Pearl of the Islands Foundation, we aim to foster understanding and acceptance between people of diverse communities through meaningful engagement and intercultural events.

We believe New Zealanders are interested in hearing about the policies and views of major political parties and how they intend to further social cohesion in Aotearoa.

Please join us for this korero/panel discussion by RSVP’ing. Tayyaba Khan, CEO of the Khadija Leadership Network, will facilitate the conversation.


  1. Dr Parmjeet Parmar: Member of Parliament, National Party
  2. Priyanca Radhakrishnan: Member of Parliament, Labour Party
  3. Golriz Ghahraman: Member of Parliament, Green Party
