Home > News > Fethullah Gülen (1941-2024)

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Mr. Fethullah Gülen, a revered figure of faith, wisdom, and leadership for the Hizmet community and countless others around the world. Mr. Gülen passed away on October 20, 2024, near the retreat center in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, where he spent the final years of his life. His teachings—rooted in compassion, education, and dialogue—will continue to inspire those committed to serving humanity.

This is a time of mourning and reflection for the Hizmet community. Mr. Gülen’s legacy transcends his life, as his influence as a religious and intellectual thinker will resonate for generations to come. As he once said, “Our values are not dependent upon any person. As long as the spirit of serving people for the sake of God continues, God will not allow the movement to fracture.” His words will continue to serve as a guiding light for those dedicated to the mission of Hizmet.

Though Mr. Gülen had stepped back from an active role in recent years, the movement he inspired will continue its work in education, dialogue, and humanitarian efforts. Spiritual guidance will now be carried forward by a close circle of friends who have provided wisdom for decades, following his practice of consultation and collective decision-making.

While Mr. Gülen held no official position within Hizmet, his teachings remain a powerful source of inspiration. The movement will continue to thrive and grow globally, guided by his values and legacy.

We extend our deepest condolences to his family and loved ones. Please join us in prayer for his peace, and may God grant him mercy and forgiveness.

With deepest respect,

Pearl of the Islands Foundation


Who is Fethullah Gülen?

Fethullah Gülen, a Turkish Muslim scholar, preacher, and social advocate, has been a figure of global significance for decades, shaping the intellectual and spiritual landscape of millions through his teachings and humanitarian efforts. Known for his progressive interpretation of Islam, which emphasizes education, interfaith dialogue, altruism, and peaceful coexistence, Gülen’s influence extends far beyond his native Turkey, reaching communities worldwide.

Early Life and Education

Born in 1941 in the small village of Korucuk, Erzurum, Turkey, Fethullah Gülen grew up in a religious household. His early education in Islamic thought was supplemented by his exposure to Western philosophy and science, shaping his distinctive approach to both faith and society. Gülen was deeply influenced by the teachings of Said Nursi, a prominent Islamic scholar, and his concept of “hizmet” (service) would later become a defining characteristic of Gülen’s movement.

Gülen’s intellectual foundation rests on combining Islamic principles with a modern, globalized worldview, advocating for a balanced life where faith and reason coexist harmoniously. His early sermons in Turkey attracted a large following, and his ideas on education, social responsibility, and spiritual development became the backbone of a growing movement.

The Hizmet Movement

The “Hizmet” (meaning “service” in Turkish) movement, inspired by Gülen’s teachings, rapidly evolved into a transnational initiative focused on education, interfaith dialogue, and humanitarian service. Often referred to as the “Gülen Movement,” it established a vast network of schools, universities, media outlets, and charitable organizations across more than 160 countries.

At the heart of the movement lies a belief in the transformative power of education. Gülen has consistently emphasized the need for modern, high-quality education rooted in ethical values and intellectual rigor. The movement’s schools, often called “Gülen-inspired schools,” are known for their focus on science, technology, and intercultural dialogue, fostering not just academic excellence but also a commitment to global citizenship.

Advocate for Interfaith Dialogue and Tolerance

One of the most defining aspects of Gülen’s teachings is his advocacy for interfaith dialogue and peaceful coexistence among diverse religious, ethnic, and cultural communities. In a world frequently divided by sectarianism and extremism, Gülen’s vision promotes harmony and mutual understanding.

His efforts in fostering dialogue between Muslims, Christians, Jews, and other religious groups have earned him respect among leaders from various faiths. Gülen has repeatedly emphasized that dialogue is not a means to proselytize but rather a path to understanding and building trust across divides. His initiatives have brought together religious leaders for discussions on shared values, such as compassion, justice, and human dignity.

Stance Against Violence and Extremism

Gülen has been an outspoken critic of terrorism and violence carried out in the name of religion. He has consistently condemned groups like Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and other extremist organizations, advocating for peaceful resolution of conflicts and rejecting the notion that Islam supports violence.

His position has resonated globally, especially in the post-9/11 world, where many sought a moderate Muslim voice capable of countering extremism. Gülen’s message of compassion, forgiveness, and understanding has provided a counter-narrative to radicalism, emphasizing that true Islamic values are rooted in peace and tolerance.

Political Persecution and Exile

Despite his widespread influence, Gülen has been a controversial figure in Turkey, particularly in the eyes of the current government led by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. In the early years of Erdoğan’s rule, Gülen and his movement were seen as allies, with both promoting educational and social reforms. However, tensions began to rise as the movement’s influence in education, media, and civil society grew, leading to a split between the two.

In 2013, the Turkish government accused Gülen and his movement of orchestrating corruption investigations against Erdoğan’s inner circle. The accusations escalated in 2016 when Erdoğan blamed Gülen for an attempted coup, although Gülen, living in self-imposed exile in the United States since 1999, vehemently denied any involvement. The Turkish government’s crackdown on the movement led to mass arrests, the closure of Gülen-affiliated institutions, and the persecution of his followers both in Turkey and abroad.

Legacy and Influence

Even in exile, Gülen remains a significant moral and intellectual influence for millions around the world. His vision of a peaceful, tolerant society, where education, dialogue, and service are the cornerstones of community life, continues to inspire individuals and organizations.

The legacy of Fethullah Gülen lies not only in the global educational and humanitarian efforts of the Hizmet movement but also in the way he has shaped contemporary Islamic thought. His emphasis on a modern, compassionate interpretation of Islam—one that embraces diversity, scientific inquiry, and human rights—has provided a model for Muslims navigating the challenges of a globalized world.

Fethullah Gülen’s story is one of resilience, intellectual rigor, and an unwavering commitment to serving humanity. His teachings and the movement he inspired will continue to resonate with future generations, standing as a testament to the power of education, dialogue, and selfless service in a divided world.